UI Dev Newsletter Issue #99
In this issue: view transitions, ch units and Cumulative Layout Shift, :not() selector use cases, and more.
Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps
Dave Rupert shows how to set up View Transitions that require zero JavaScript and only two lines of CSS in less than an hour.
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools
Jim Nielsen demonstrates how to inspect animations in Chrome Dev Tools.
Watch Out for Layout Shifts with ch Units
Paul Hebert describes how ch units affected their Web Core Vitals score.
The problem with disabled buttons and what to do instead
Adam Silver highlights six issues disabled buttons bring and five ways to fix them.
Stop Rewriting Your CSS! Use :not() Instead
Zoran Jambor goes over several practical use cases of using :not() selector, which will help you simplify your CSS.
You don't need a modal window
Deniz Akşimşek creates a site that explains why you should consider not using a model window.
WordPress Now Available
Twenty years ago, Matt Mullenweg announced the first release of WordPress.
CLI tricks every developer should know
Github engineers compile some essential tricks and commands that every developer should know.