UI Dev Newsletter Issue #94
In this issue: CSS snippets, :has() selector examples, better CSS transitions, and more.
6 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2023
Adam Argyle shares CSS handy snippets about container queries, scroll snap, cascade layers, and more.
Selecting previous siblings with CSS :has()
Tobias Ahlin Bjerrome demonstrates how to select any previous sibling of an element using :has() selector.
Ten tips for better CSS transitions and animations
Josh Collinsworth assembles a collection of advice about crafting transitions and animations on the web.
Circular Text with CSS?
Jhey Tompkins explores a few options how to create text which letters form a circle.
The search element
Domenic Denicola and Scott O'Hara add the search element to HTML Standard - an element that contains a set of form controls or other content related to performing a search or filtering operation.
What we've learned about designing for accessibility from our users
Andrew Gosine shares learning from designing improved Slack's navigation with accessibility in mind.
The End of Front-End Development
Josh Comeau shares his hypothesis for what will happen with developers jobs in AI era.
Modern Font Stacks
Dan Klammer shares Modern Font Stacks - a copy-paste place for system font typefaces for every modern OS.