UI Dev Newsletter Issue #69
In this issue: disabled buttons, the dl element, what devs need, and more.
Frustrating Design Patterns: Disabled Buttons
Vitaly Friedman tries to answer how we can make disabled buttons more inclusive, when they work well, when they fail on us, when we need them, and how to avoid them.
On the dl
Ben Myers explains everything about the underrated description list element and shows some real-life uses of name-value pairs.
A lesson about CSS pseudo-classes and different states of it, like interactive, validation, and other states.
Jeremy Keith explains why web browsers shouldn't remove older features from new releases and why the web is meant for everyone to build, not only professional web developers.
Visualizing a codebase
Amelia Wattenberger explores ways to automatically visualize a GitHub repo and how that could be useful.
what devs need
Paul Haedrich introduces an open-source project for discovering developer tools to boost your workflow without ads, cookies, tracking, popups, or signups.
Donnie D'Amato introduces a thesis about the design grid and getting rid of it for web design experiences.
Chris Walz introduces Bit, a modern Git CLI.