UI Dev Newsletter Issue #52
In this issue: HTML boilerplate, CSS accessibility improvements, jQuery to JavaScript cheat sheet, and many more.
My current HTML boilerplate
Manuel Matuzović shares every element he uses for the basic structure of an HTML document with explanations why.
CSS Is, In Fact, Awesome
Jim Nielsen describes how familiarizing ourselves with CSS underlying rules and mechanisms allows us to recognize its awesomeness fully.
Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility
Stephanie Eckles covers a range of topics from focus visibility to respecting color and contrast settings.
Inspect Element As A Way To Feed Your Curiosity
Ahmad Shadeed highlights some of the exciting and valuable things he learned while being curious about others’ work.
Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
Tobias Ahlin compiles a practical reference guide with some of the most common jQuery patterns and their JavaScript equivalents.
Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG
Jon Sneyers introduces JPEG XL, the next-generation image compression codec.
JavaScript Tips
Marko Denic shares JavaScript tips you won’t find in most tutorials.
Cumulative Layout Shift Debugger
Visualize the cumulative layout shifts of any webpage, so it becomes easier to identify what needs improving on mobile and/or desktop in the initial load of a website.