FormData doesn’t include disabled fieldsets

Category: Blog

Tagged: javascript, forms

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When you disable the fieldset element before reading the form data using the FormData constructor, the data will be empty.

// Find my form
const $form = document.querySelector('.my-form')
// Find all fieldsets inside my form
const $fieldsets = $form.querySelectorAll('fieldset')

// Set all fieldsets as disabled
if($fieldsets.length) {
  $fieldsets.forEach($fieldset => {
    $fieldset.setAttribute('disabled', true)

// Construct FormData from the form
const formData = new FormData($form)

// You cannot log formData directly

// Output: [] - doesn't work

So, if you want to disable the fieldset element, you should do it after using the FormData constructor.

// Find my form
const $form = document.querySelector('.my-form')
// Find all fieldsets inside my form
const $fieldsets = $form.querySelectorAll('fieldset')

// Construct FormData from the form
const formData = new FormData($form)

// You cannot log formData directly

// Output: [...] - works

// Set all fieldsets as disabled
if($fieldsets.length) {
  $fieldsets.forEach($fieldset => {
    $fieldset.setAttribute('disabled', true)

Also, if your fields are disabled, they won’t be included in the FormData, too.

Here’s a little demo of what works and what doesn’t work.